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(or Tony's Troubles)

Created by John Sanborn


“The Temptation of St. Anthony (or Tony’s Troubles)”

written by

Dorian Wallace (music)

John Sanborn (words)


A Tenth Intervention Production


Hajnal Pivnick | producer, artistic director

Dorian Wallace | composer, artistic director

What is Faith without God?

It is a belief in the self, in enlightened consciousness - in order to effect change without direction. We have only our lives with which to act; yet we deny ourselves an objective, to give virtue to a lie. Searching for truth is honorable, but unending. Expressing that truth is the objective of every human, and every artist.


In this modern opera, written by Dorian Wallace and John Sanborn, Tony finds himself able to effect change with his hands, his mind and his soul. For him, the act is the reward. He is not interested in theories, or opinions – for the evidence of his divinity is self-evident. He can makes something out of nothing.


For this he is tempted, tortured and ultimately redeemed. In his reclamation he embraces a rare value – that of force of will.  Beyond any rational understanding of “possible” there is potential that defies definition. It is to such purpose that I dedicate this work.

'THE TEMPTATION OF ST. ANTHONY (or Tony's Troubles) is a 35 minute media opera designed to be installed using three screens,  three video projectors, and stereo sound.

The work is composed in 7 acts, each asking three basic questions about faith - and answering them differently each time. The language of the libretto is simple and plain spoken, but contains quotes and asides from poets, scholars and popel who inspire me.

The journey is familiar to anyone who yearns for the ability to create, whether that is great communication or a simple step forward. The doubts and temptations come from inside and from without - and their siren song must be denied.

The spectacle is staged across three panels, territories or domains for Tony and the Devil, who are performed in song and dance by parallel figures - mirrors and reactors - caught in an endless tango. This is intentional as the work loops around the three questions of faith, inviting the audience to join or leave as they wish.



A Tenth Intervention Production


Hajnal Pivnick | producer, artistic director, violin

Dorian Wallace | composer, artistic director


Lynn Bechtold | violin

Hannah Levinson | viola

Jisoo Ok | cello

Evan Runyon | bass


Paul Pinto | Tony

Pamela Z | Sal (the devil)

Charlotte Mundy | Kate


The Commons | the Temptations

Nathaniel Adams

Maya Ben-Meir

Danielle Buonaiuto

Chris Norwood

Adam Richardson


Sound/recording engineer

Eric V. Hachikian | Soundcat Productions

Robert Dekkers | Choreography


Christian Squires | Costume design


Dennis Adams | Tony

Anne Zivolich-Adams | Sal

Katherine Wells | Kate


The Commons | the Temptations

Mia Chong

Lani Dickinson

Allie Papazian

Mayo Sugano



Video Free America

Skip Sweeney | Roger Jones



Wes Middleton | Roger Jones



Vanessa Gilovich | Salvador Torres


Graphics | Animations

Jennifer Baker

Loiez Daniel

Ugur Engin Deniz

Bill Etra

Dallas Jericho


Edited by

John Sanborn

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